SMP Progresif Bumi Shalawat– (Sidoarjo, June 19, 2024) The halls of the GOR of SMP Progresif Bumi Shalawat buzzed with excitement as eighth-grade students of SMP Progresif Bumi Shalawat (PROJHIS) showcased their talents in the much-anticipated English Special Performances (ESP) 2024. This annual event, themed “Glotera in Wonderland,” transformed the venue into a realm of delicate beauties, magical charms, and exhilarating wonders, captivating every attendee. The ESP 2024 aimed to highlight students’ creativity, English proficiency, and teamwork through a series of group performances. The atmosphere was electric, with students eagerly participating and demonstrating their diverse skills in a range of contests: Vocal Group, Fashion Designer, and Advertisement Parody. Ustazah Faiqoh, one of the event’s enthusiastic attendees, shared her thoughts, saying, “It was a cool and enchanting event. Not only was it eye-pleasing, but also very entertaining, especially in the Advertisement Parody contest. The students displayed their creativity and showed their speaking skills on stage. I am glad this is an annual event held by the English Team of SMP Progresif Bumi Shalawat because it uncovers many hidden talents like modeling, beautiful voices, and English-speaking abilities from our beloved students.” The day’s events were a testament to the dedication and totality of the students in each contest. Ustazah. Dila, an English teacher at the school, remarked, “My conclusion about this event is, I think, ESP was a spectacular one. What made it spectacular was the students’ dedication and totality in each contest. I liked the Fashion Designer contest the most because the students were not only thinking about the fashion design itself but also the meaning behind each costume they displayed on stage. Bringing a powerful message, such as ‘Free Palestine,’ shows how our English lessons extend beyond speaking or reading skills to include spreading important news in the right way. As an English teacher, I am proud of them.” The event concluded with the announcement of the winners in each category: Vocal Group Contest: 1st Place: Abul Casis Class 2nd Place: As Syirazi Class 3rd Place: Al Kirmani Class Fashion Designer Contest: 1st Place: Al Ayyubi Class 2nd Place: Al Jahiz Class 3rd Place: Al Kirmani Class Advertisement Parody Contest: 1st Place: Al Batenius Class 2nd Place: Al Jazari Class 3rd Place: Al Laqqoni Class In addition to the thrilling competitions, the event featured a series of performances and exhibitions that further highlighted the students’ multifaceted talents. The audience was treated to mesmerizing musical numbers, stunning fashion showcases, and thought-provoking advertisement parodies that elicited both laughter and contemplation. One of the standout moments of the day was a heartfelt tribute to the teachers and staff, acknowledging their unwavering support and guidance. The students expressed their gratitude through a special performance, which brought many in the audience to tears. It was a poignant reminder of the close-knit community that SMP Progresif Bumi Shalawat fosters. Moreover, the event provided a platform for students to engage with real-world issues through their art. The “Free Palestine” message in the Fashion Designer contest was a powerful example of how the students are encouraged to use their voices and talents to advocate for important causes. This integration of social consciousness into their performances underscored the holistic approach to education that the school champions. The English Special Performances 2024 was not just a display of talent but also a celebration of the students’ hard work, creativity, and the rich educational culture fostered at Bumi Shalawat Progressive Junior High School. The success of this event promises an even more spectacular ESP next year, as the school continues to nurture and showcase the incredible talents of its students. As the day drew to a close, the students and teachers alike left with a renewed sense of accomplishment and inspiration. The memories created during ESP 2024 will undoubtedly resonate for years to come, serving as a testament to the extraordinary potential that lies within each student at Bumi Shalawat Progressive Junior High School. (JH)


Khumaidy Syafiq El-Maududy saat menerima tropy juara 2 dalam ajang SMA Awards yang diberkan oleh Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa

SMA Progresif Bumi Shalawat – SMA Awards yang diadakan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur telah usai. Kompetisi dengan berbagai bidang lomba tersebut menjadi ajang tahunan yang dinanti-nanti oleh SMA se-Jawa Timur. Terutama SMA Progresif Bumi Shalawat. Dalam ajang itu siswa atas nama Khumaidy Syafiq El-Maududy dari kelas XI ICP (International Class Program) berhasil membawa juara 2 pada cabang lomba English Debate. Khumaidy nama akrabnya memang spesialisnya. Ia tidak hanya menang pada event ini, pada beberapa event sebelumnya juga ia sempat menyabet juara. Ia merasa senang karena dengan membawa pulang juara 2, ia juga turut mengharumkan nama sekolah. “Tentu bangga, karena ini ajang tingkat provinsi, Jadi alhamdulillah saya bisa membawa nama baik sekolah,” jelas Khumaidy. DI samping itu, ia juga bercerita, kalau keahlian debatnya lebih terasah ketika ia memilih sekolah di SMA Progresif Bumi Shalawat. Di sekolah, menurutnya sangat membantu skill debatnya lebih berkembang, karena sekolah juga sangat mendukung, salah satunya mendatangkan tutor dari luar. Semoga Khumaidy bisa menginspirasi para siswa yang lain untuk berlomba-lomba dan hal kebaikan dan kebanggaan.


Tim dari SMA Progresif Bumi Shalawat ketika pembagian medali di ajang IPITEX Thailand 2024

SMA Progresif Bumi Shalawat – Sebagai sekolah berbasis Internasional, SMA Progresif Bumi Shalawat (SMASIF) membuktikan dirinya bahwa ia memang pantas menyandang identitas tersebut. Pasalnya, SMASIF telah menerbangkan tiga timnya ke Bangkok Thailand dalam ajang IPITEX 2024. Acara tersebut merupakan kompetensi ilmiah yang dihelat oleh National Research Council of Thailand. Peserta yang ikut serta bukan hanya dari Asia, melainkan dihadiri sebanyak 600 peserta dari 25 negara. Dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak itu, menandakan bahwa acara tersebut merupakan acara bergengsi dalam kancah internasional.   Kabar bagusnya lagi, dari tiga tim yang diberangkatkan, semuanya mendapatkan medali berkategori. Adapun tiga tim tersebut adalah: Tim 1 Anggota: Hafian Dafi Farizki (XI MIPA 6) Muhammad Usaid Bashir Wicahyo ( XI ICP 2) Khumaidy Syafiq El Maududy (XI ICP 2) Hasil: Gold medal Kategori: Medicine and Public Health/ Medical Technology/ Pharmacy/ Hygiene Tim 2 Anggota: Rasya Dwi Maharta ( X 9) Damar Nur Sahidan ( X 11) Hasil: Bronze medal Kategori: Protection of the Environment/ Energy/ Water/ Power and Electricity/ Green Technology Tim 3 Anggota: Khoirunnisa’ Dwi Az Zahra Firdausi ( XI MIPA 3) Saskia Tara Nadhirah ( XI ICP 1) Firdhea Rahma Cahyani ( XI ICP 1) Hasil: Silver medal Kategori: Protection of the Environment/ Energy/ Water/ Power and Electricity/ Green Technology. Misbachul Munir Ardy selaku Kepala Sekolah mengatakan, bahwa ini merupakan sebuah kemajuan yang bisa dibanggakan. Meskipun SMASIF berada di Sidoarjo Indonesia, tetapi namanya bisa disandingkan dengan sekolah-sekolah yang ada di luar negeri. “Ini merupakan sebuah kebanggaan bagi kami. Artinya, SMASIF sanggup menguji kelayakannya jika dibandingkan dengan sekolah-sekolah bergengsi yang ada di luar negeri,” jelasnya. Salah satu perwakilan tim, Hafian Dafi Farizki mengungkapkan kebahagiannya, karena selain bisa berkompetisi di luar negeri, ia juga bisa belajar banyak hal, di antaranya dia bisa merasakan bagaimana atmosfer berkompetisi dengan para pelajar tingkat dunia. “Hal yang paling membuat saya berkesan adalah saya bisa merasakan atmosfer berkompetisi dengan para pelajar hebat tingkat dunia,” jelas Harfian di sela-sela jam pembelajarannya. Semoga dengan kemenangan itu, bisa menginspirasi para siswa yang lain agar jangan malu-malu menunjukkan bakatnya.